• Adventure Time Trading Card Game Sketch Cards!

    Ok, so I’ve been holding on to this since last year, but it was announced last week and now I can finally talk about it.


    I was fortunate and humbly blessed to have been invited to contribute to the Adventure Time Trading Card Game Sketch Cards by the wonderful folks at Cryptozoic Entertainment and Cartoon Network.

    Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 7.08.51 PM

    I had so much fun and I feel so lucky to have been included among a list of so many wonderful artists. You can read about the announcement here: http://www.cryptozoic.com/articles/adventure-time-trading-cards-released

    I feel extra lucky to have my name and a couple of my cards used on the Cryptozoic website.


    Go pick up some Adventure Time Trading Card Game sets, booster packs, whatever. Its a beautiful game and if you’re lucky you may get a Sketch Card by one of the many talented artists. I made Illustrations of:
    Lady Rainicorn
    A few of Bubblegum Princess
    Magic Man
    The Lich
    Breakfast Princess
    Ghost Princess
    Jungle Princess
    Muscle Princess
    Fionna and Ice Queen
    …and more..

    If you’re really, really lucky you might get a Special Oversized Sketch Redemption Card featuring Dual Totally Fabricated Wardrobe Patches. And these are really something special, you absolutely have to see these in person. Cryptozoic Entertainment has their finger on the pulse of Trading Card Game fans and they know how to absolutely blow their minds and these are a sure way.


  • Finn and PB

    This is an Illustration I had for San Diego Comic-Con this year. I’m a huge fan of the show and I love drawing characters every chance I get. About 95% of the people who stopped by and saw it had this to say; “Sooooo cute…” Mission accomplished I think. I definitely try to make illustrations as cute as possible most of the time.


  • San Diego COMIC-CON 2014!

    Came back from San Diego Comic-Con late Sunday and I could not be more thankful to have spent the time with my fellow artist, friends, family. I am very lucky to have the most talented friends with whom I shared a table at the Exhibitors area. My prints and buttons were very well received and I could not be more happy with the reactions. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and talk. Thank you all! Below is the art I painted up for buttons I had at the Con. Now that I finally have time to take a breath I can guarantee more characters coming soon.





  • Wizard of Oz Tribute


    I was so lucky to be a part of a private gallery for a tribute to the beautiful 1939 classic “The Wizard of Oz”. I submitted this digital painting titled “Little Witches”. There were so many artist that contributed art in many forms; painting, sculpture, mixed media, jewelry… I was blown away by the diversity in styles and passion every artist demonstrated for the film. I was honored to have my art displayed next to all of them.